Lately we’ve been presenting you several creative DIY projects involving decorative pillows. This time we have something similar and yet completely different. Today we’re going to show you how to make fabric letters. Here are the materials that you’ll need: 8″ letters of your choice, some fabric of your choice, a sharpie/pen, a hot glue gun, glue sticks, sharp scissors and padding.Unlike the project with the pillows, this one is neither fast nor easy. The results are very satisfying.However, I doubt you would want to start all over again after you finish it. Be prepared for a time consuming project that requires a lot of patience. Now to show you the steps you’ll need to take. First trace your letters onto the padding.

Then you need to cut your padding about an inch around your traced line so you have enough to wrap onto sides.Next apply hot glue to the padding and pull tight to wrap it around the sides. Then repeat steps 1 to 3 using fabric instead of padding. It would be easier to glue the face of the letter first and then the sides. Also, you need to use a different fabric for the sides. You can always change the design if you prefer something else. Now glue the strips of fabric on the sides of the letters.

This project is variable. If, for example, you choose a simple letter such as T everything will be a lot easier. However, if you choose the letter W for example, everything changes. It’s not an easy project neither way.{found on littlethingsbringsmiles}.